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Shortcrust pastry with vodka and apple pie



Know that apples
6. Bake in an oven preheated to 180°, lowering the temperature to 160° after 20 minutes of cooking. Cooking will take between 1 hour and 1 hour 30 minutes depending on the size of your oven: mine is very large so… more time than in a normal size oven. You can brown the dough after 40 minutes if you have a little browning left.

Be aware that the apples will release a little juice.

The apple pie will be ready when you no longer see any liquid and the apples are very soft when you test them by inserting a thin blade between the strips of dough.

Tip: if the edges of the apple pie brown faster than the center, make a small flat piece of aluminum foil to protect them, otherwise, invest in this type of protection (I have two!).
Shortcrust pastry with vodka and apple pie
Do you want a nice piece of it? With a little cream or caramel?
Shortcrust pastry with vodka and apple pie

Please continue to the next page (>) for the full list of ingredients and complete cooking instructions. Enjoy this meal!


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