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Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.

Prepare the cake mix according to the instructions on the package. Spread dough on a greased 11 × 17 inch cookie sheet. Bake for 15 to 20 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Cool completely.

Using a cookie cutter or round cookie cutter, cut slices from the cake. Cut rounds in half horizontally.

Using a kitchen teaspoon (the one you eat with, not the one you measure with), place a generous teaspoon of whipped topping in the center of a cake round. Top with the other cake tower.

Repeat with additional cake rounds and whipped topping. Place filled cakes on a wire rack on waxed paper.

Prepare the ganache by placing the chocolate chips and butter in a large bowl. In a medium saucepan over medium-high heat, combine the cream and corn syrup. Heat until mixture begins to simmer.

Pour the hot cream over the chocolate chips. Let stand for about one minute, until the chocolate begins to melt. Stir the mixture until the chocolate is completely incorporated and the mixture is smooth and shiny.

Spread the ganache over the filled cakes, letting the ganache drizzle over the sides of the cakes. Refrigerate finished cakes until ready to serve.

Please continue to the next page (>) for the full list of ingredients and complete cooking instructions. Enjoy this meal!


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