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Minced Beef Wellington



1. In a skillet over medium heat, brown the minced beef until cooked through. Remove excess fat.

2. Add the chopped mushrooms, onion, garlic, and thyme to the skillet. Cook until the mushrooms release their moisture and the mixture is well combined. Season with salt and pepper. Let the mixture cool.

3. Preheat the oven to 400°F (200°C).

4. Roll out the puff pastry sheet on a lightly floured surface.

5. Spoon the beef and mushroom mixture onto the center of the puff pastry.

6. Carefully fold the pastry over the filling, sealing the edges. You can create a decorative pattern on top if desired.

7. Brush the top of the pastry with the beaten egg for a golden finish.

8. Place the pastry-wrapped filling on a baking sheet and bake for 25-30 minutes or until the pastry is golden and puffed.

9. Allow the Minced Beef Wellington to cool slightly before slicing and serving.

Nutritional Information:

– Calories: 400

– Protein: 20g

– Carbohydrates: 20g

– Fat: 28g

– Fiber: 2g

Please continue to the next page (>) for the full list of ingredients and complete cooking instructions. Enjoy this meal!


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