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How to Grow Cardamom Plant from Seed and Care for Green Cardamom



Temperature: A temperature range between 22°C to 32°C is ideal.
Watering: These plants love humidity. Ensure the soil remains consistently moist but not waterlogged. Overwatering can lead to root rot.
Fertilization: During the growing season, feed the plants with a balanced liquid fertilizer every three weeks.
4. Caring for Green Cardamom:
Pruning: As the plant grows, it might send out shoots. Prune away any shoots that appear weak or unhealthy to encourage robust growth.
Pest Control: Keep an eye out for pests like aphids and spider mites. Neem oil can be an effective organic solution to tackle them.
Harvesting: Cardamom pods are ready for harvest when they turn a pale green or yellowish-green. It’s essential to pick them before they split open.
5. Final Tips:

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