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How to Grow Cardamom Plant from Seed and Care for Green Cardamom


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Cardamom, often referred to as the “Queen of Spices,” is a highly sought-after aromatic spice used in numerous culinary dishes and traditional medicines around the world. Originating from the Indian subcontinent, cardamom thrives in tropical and subtropical regions. If you’re interested in cultivating your own cardamom plant from seed and ensuring it thrives, this article is for you.

1. Getting Started with Cardamom Seeds:
Select Fresh Seeds: It’s essential to start with fresh and viable seeds. Look for plump seeds that are free from mold or damage.
Soak the Seeds: Before planting, soak the cardamom seeds in water for about 12 hours. This softens the seed coat and facilitates germination.
2. Planting the Cardamom Seeds:
Prepare the Soil: Cardamom prefers rich, loamy soil with good drainage. A mix of compost, sandy soil, and a bit of perlite or vermiculite will create the right environment.
Planting Depth: Sow the seeds about 1 inch deep in the soil.
Spacing: Make sure you space the seeds or seedlings at least 2 feet apart, as cardamom plants can grow quite large.
Watering: After planting, water the seeds gently but thoroughly.
3. Growing Conditions:
Light: Cardamom plants prefer indirect sunlight or partial shade. They naturally grow under the canopies of larger trees in the wild.

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