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Granny’s Cocoa Cream Pie


Written by admin


Let your nostalgia run wild with this simple and delicious chocolate pie that will most likely bring back memories of your grandma’s baking.

I remember asking Granny Brewer to write down her Chocolate Pie recipe. She said, “I don’t have one; I just make the pies.” Hmmm, that didn’t help me out much in the baking department but her pies were always a hit. And, when she said “pies”, she meant more than one.

You see, she had two grandsons and she thought each one needed his own pie. Bless ’em.

They always got their pies but I never got my recipe. From her, that is. I had to experiment until I hit on what must have been her method/recipe because it is that good. Hit on it I did, several years ago, and I’ve been making chocolate pies ever since.

The trouble is, I came to understand what she meant when she said, “I don’t have a recipe.”

Oh, happy day! I have finally done it! I have recorded the recipe in writing for those who have been asking for it. That is, Granny Brewer’s Chocolate Pie, or Southern Classic Chocolate Cream Pie with Meringue. It’s about time, yeah I know. Our YouTube instructional video has hit over 10,000 views so I am sure folks are happy to have this in writing.

Please continue to Next Page (>) for the full list of ingredients and complete cooking instructions.
Enjoy this meal.


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