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Creamy Cucumber Salad Recipe


Written by admin


I’m the person who submitted this recipe, and I appreciate all the feedback, both positive and negative. I use the largest cucumbers I can find and a full tablespoon of sea salt because “water follows salt” (think “osmosis”). Adding salt to cucumbers, zucchini, etc., helps dry them out.

You can certainly decrease the amount to suit your taste, but as the majority of reviewers mentioned, you MUST drain the cucumbers thoroughly, or you’ll end up with a runny mess.

I like the idea of using a salad spinner (an item I don’t have), but I rely on time and patience when I make this, or I squeeze by hand if I’m in a hurry and they’re still too wet after 30 minutes.

I’m glad that most of you have enjoyed this recipe, and I also enjoyed seeing some of the twists on it.

Don’t forget to drain the cucumbers! I used cucumbers from our garden. Follow the steps EXACTLY, especially the draining part. I put mine in a salad spinner, which automatically separated the cucumbers from the brine. I also waited the full 30 minutes indicated. I added a sprig of fresh tarragon that I chopped up, and it added an amazing flavor. I made it a bit last minute, so I wasn’t able to keep it in the refrigerator for the full two hours, but it tasted great after cooling for 45 minutes. The incredible thing about this salad is how crispy the cucumbers remained, even the leftovers we ate the next day. I’ve made it twice already, and my husband loves it.

When I saw this recipe, I hoped it would be good. After making it, I can honestly say it was better than I had hoped. It was easy to make and ended up with a flavor that was much better than I had anticipated.

Please continue to the next page (>) for the full list of ingredients and complete cooking instructions. Enjoy this meal!
Please continue to the next page (>) for the full list of ingredients and complete cooking instructions. Enjoy this meal!


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